Monday, January 27, 2020

The Deepwater Horizon Accident Management Essay

The Deepwater Horizon Accident Management Essay 1. Introduction The concept of effective leadership represents a theoretical framework to analyse the case study Deepwater Horizon Accident. The idea of an effective leader can be captured by the following basic principles: The leader must have a long term and strategic vision (what should be achieved? How should be achieved? Who should achieve an identified goal?). A leader should be focused on people. This implies the identification of instrumental goals, their effective communication, and human beings involvement. The involvement depends both on incentive system and involvement. Effective leaders are increasingly characterised as being enablers helping people and organisations to perform and develop. This implies that the leader has to achieve a sophisticated alignment between peoples needs and the aims of the organisation The leader needs to balance, reconcile and integrate opposite cultural values (Hofstede). The conflicting values and cultural differences emerge whenever a leader deals with stakeholders (consumers, environmental groups, trade unions). Hofestede (1978) identifies four dimensions to analyse cultural value of nations. He describes the following elements: power distance individualism vs. collectivism Masculinity vs. femininity Weak vs. strong uncertainty avoidance Long vs. short term orientation 2. The Case Study The Deepwater Horizon Accident was caused by the escape of hydrocarbons resulting in explosions and fire on the rig. At that time the social media emphasis in this accident is not only about the death of eleven people and the injury of seven, but also in connection with main environmental damages (such as the rig sank and the continued flow of hydrocarbons from the reservoir). The following investigation reveals that: The team did not identify any single action or inaction that caused this accident. Rather, a complex and interlinked series of mechanical failures, human judgments, engineering design, operational implementation and team interfaces came together to allow the initiation and escalation of the accident. Multiple companies, work teams and circumstances were involved over time. ( BP 2010, 5) Thus, the problematic situation in Mexican Gulf seems to be generated by the leadership style, as the leader failed to focus on developing a clear vision and communication and exercising strong control to the organization. This statement represents a thought provoking situation in order to analyse the behaviour and leadership style of three leaders (Tony Hayward, Bob Dudley, and Barack Obama) 2.1 Tony Hayward At the time of natural disaster Tony Hayward was the Chief executive of BP. In coherence with Hofstede (1978), he showed a short term vision in his communication activity. The Guardian (14 May 2010) indicate that the Chief executive declared: The Gulf of Mexico is a very big ocean. The amount of volume of oil and dispersant we are putting into it is tiny in relation to the total water volume. The same article report the emerging conflicts between BPs efforts (to contain the spill had succeeded in dispersing the oil and preventing large amounts reaching the shoreline around the Gulf) and the environmentalists concerns the unseen damage being done to marine life. Additionally, Tony Hayward admitted that BP had made mistakes in its early response to the crisis. It initially refused to compensate fishermen who were unable to produce written proof of their normal earnings. Instead, his main worry concerned share values and profit distribution. The leader also failed to deal with the stake holders revealing an individualistic approach and short term vision in firms management style. This aspect was also revealed by the weak safety policy adopted by the BP Company. 2.2 Bob Dudley Following the criticism related to Tony Hayward, Bob Dudley was designated as the new Bp Chief Executive. Mr Dudley joined the board of BP before, as his most high-profile role was as the chief executive of BPs joint venture in Russia, exploiting oil fields in eastern Siberia. The BBC report (2010) reveals: Mr Dudley is widely respected within the company, and from a PR point of view, it might help that he is American, not British. BP has often been described as Public Enemy Number One in the US since the oil spill. Now that the company is to be run by an American, it could help it in its battle to rebuild its reputation in the US. In coherence with Hofestede (1978), this assumption underlines the implications of national distance on leadership recognition and recruitment. The Christian Science Monitor (2010) also reports BPs voice in America will no longer come with a British accent attached. The Christian Science Monitor (2010) also indicates: The oil industry is difficult one, so bob Dudley is use to dealing with problem around the world. He is not to solve the problem immediacy but he is working to plug the wellhead leak. At the same he has been very careful to the how he speaks to the person. In accordance with these empirical evidences a crisis management requires contingency theory can explain leadership style. (Mintzberg, 1979). However, another criticism from Bob Dudleys leadership style related to high ethical and moral issues. This aspect emerges with his previous experiences in Russia area. . 2.3 Barack Obama The new leader of US, Barack Obama has signalled the intention to assign criminal charges in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster. Mr Obama said that the US government feels BP must pay for clean-up of the spill. This approach can be equated the position of Obama to that of a leader of social justice. However, there some critical aspects: A. the social media describe that Obama was playing golf during the oil crises; B. the majority of Americans disapproves of how Mr Obama has managed the crisis; C. the Republicans accuses Mr Obama of exploiting the crisis for his own political gain. , pledging to bring those responsible to justice if laws were broken. President Barack Obama sharpened his criticism of BP Plc and pressed the energy giant to halt the oil gushing from its ruptured well. President Barack Obama has been criticised for playing golf while the BP oil spill disaster continues Barack Obama has been criticised for continuing to play golf while oil spills into the Gulf of Mexico. He has played at least seven times since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, creating Americas biggest environmental disaster. Having already racked up 39 games since taking office, Mr Obama is approaching the record as the U.S. President spending the most time on the golf course. Republican Party chairman Michael Steele has called on the President to stop playing until the oil leak has been curbed. The satisfaction of employees and communication was effective .indeed his inspiration been put in place and focus in company. it argue that the organization context operates has largely of failed. Critics would argue that is due to the behaviour characteristic. The leader had such difficulty in focus on systems maintenances, and meets the work criteria in which cause numbers of catastrophic disaster and left eleven people without live. Unwillingness in leaders is composed of negative associate with productivity subordinate. The factors analysis produced two understandably behaviour dimensions and differences in these behaviours associate to effectiveness. One series of studies has collect date however according to theory enhance a subordinate perception of a link between the effort and outcomes. The leadership styles did not providing opportunities for consultation special managers and staff in this system management the relationship between leader and mangers wasnt based on trust, seemed forgotten to inspire their subordinates to do thing behind the capabilities, the key issue of these was in communication and implement the vision affect. Conclusion Tony is not great global diplomat was more an individual in the organization his concern was more in share values and obviously on profit, unfortunately his turn the company into disaster. But about that Bob Dudley is a better choice; better communicating with press comes cross with good knowledge. According to research analysis the new leader has more ability and understanding leader, with full of expectation. Compare with new leader political Obama uncertain when comes to decision and culture problems when comes to share in other hands Mr Obama has spend most his time in the Mexican gulf, research saying that he has approach the record in US . The investigation theres not such evidence requires the court order. Unsuccessful the Leader had not exercise strong control of the organization. This is due of the characteristic and style of the leader. Not surprisingly, a large amount of research showing that the result was catastrophic. Argue that relationship between leader behaviour and his effectiveness was modified by the organization. It can been seen leader has specific difficulties such maintaining work standards Bob Dudley replacement its certain he will move the company forwards, beside is not strange in the gulf or BP or the US press. he works in oil field for such long time place, such as Russia and demonstrated well work under the pressure with ability and focused and he work standards in Russian was well known. Mr Dudley was untainted by the major operation problems such as Alaska and Deepwater Horizon has a good vision and strategy. The company move forward with a new leader and new regulations but its unknown that Dudley will change the culture, According to research theres no doubt however, he focus on development a clear vision to the future company by communicating effectively and exercises strong control of the organization. It was a very interesting story to research

Sunday, January 19, 2020

History Free Response Essay

In the period of 1820 -1840 a two party system began to form for several reasons including major political personalities as well as economic issues. Conflicts began to surface during this time period, which contributed to the reemergence of a two party system. Major Political Personalities such as Henry Clay, Andrew Jackson, William H. Crawford, and John Quincy Adams were all candidates for president in 1824. This is where the first split began. All four candidates were from the Republican Party. Andrew Jackson won the popular vote but failed to win the majority of the Electoral College. According to the constitution, the top three candidates would be voted on in the House of Representatives. Clay was eliminated as he received the 4th amount of votes. Clay used his power as speaker of the House to throw his support to John Quincy Adams. Shortly after Quincy Adams’ election he placed Clay in the position of Secretary of State, a known stepping-stone to the presidency. Jackson called this â€Å"foul play†, and many of Jackson’s followers called the Election of 1824 a â€Å"corrupt bargain.† When election time came again in 1828 Jackson ran as a democrat while Quincy Adams ran as Republican. Jackson won the electio n as a Democratic. Jackson faced many crises during this time, which made him quite a few friends as well as many enemies. The Tariff of 1828, which sought to drive up tariffs on many southern products, was widely disapproved by the people in the south but highly accepted by people in the north and could be seen as a power struggle between Daniel Webster who was Pro-Tariff and John C. Calhoun who was Anti-Tariff. Calhoun advocated a complete nullification of the bill in South Carolina. Jackson responded immediately by threatening to send in armed forces to collect the taxes in South Carolina if necessary. Jackson also made enemies with his Indian Removal Act. Even though Jackson made many enemies during his first term he was re-elected to a second term and defeated Clay in this second Election. During this election can the beginning of the Anti- Masonic Party. The Anti- Masonic Party was an Anti-Jackson Party. This party hated the Jackson Party, as well as Jackson himself, who was a Mason. During Jackson’s second term a long-term party developed which was called the Whigs, which stood for everythi ng that was anti-Jackson. They hated the â€Å"abuse† of Jackson because he used the veto power more than any of the other presidents combined. President Jackson did not run for re-election, as he was too old. However, by this point in time two distinct parties had formed. On one side were the democrats who glorified the individual, and believed in the liberal idea of laissez faire or self-help. They believed that the government should not bail out or attempt to help businesses that were failing by giving financial support. The Whigs however, supported the market system and capitalism. Whigs favored moral reforms, a national bank, tariffs and a natural balance in society as well as the community over the individual which was very much anti-Jackson. Both parties had many similarities however a primary division of the two parties came because of economic issue. A second issue that arose and led to two political parties was the Bank of the United States. The Bank of the United States was due to expire, which meant it would need to be re-chartered. A Bank war erupted when two political viewpoints fought over the re-chartering of the bank. One side wanted the re-chartering to be passed and the other wanted President Jackson to use his veto power so the bank would be eliminated. Jackson was against the re- chartering, as he was apprehensive of all banks and their paper-money issues along with the fact that he believed that the bank had intervened in local and national elections. Jackson also believed that the banks president had too much control of its wealth and power. Jackson decided the Bank of the United States would not be re-chartered. Jackson began removing funds from the Bank in the hopes that it would slowly close it down. He placed these removals into smaller state banks. Several other smaller banks also formed at this time and issued their own paper money. This new money led to over pricing of land in the west and forced Jackson to issue an order that all land be purchased with metal money instead of the paper money. Jackson left office shortly after this and left president Martin Van Buren to clean up this issue which had spread to every other part of the economy. In the hopes of stopping the crisis Van Buren formed the Independent Treasury who would keep all government funds locked away in vaults. After Van Buren, the Federal Reserve System was created to help control the amount of money in circulation and to keep a certain amount in the central government. The Whigs, which was a major politically party formed because of the trouble surrounding the Bank of the United States. The Whigs stood for a strong national bank in control of every aspect while Jackson and the Democrats believed in central government supervision of state banks. This became the primary distinction between the two political parties. Both political personalities like Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams and economic issues as with The Bank of the United States led to the re-emergence of the two party systems of Whigs and Democrats.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Hallmarks of Scientific Research Essay

Successful managerial decisions are seldom made on hunches or on trail and error method. The sound and effective decisions are always made on the basis of scientific research. Scientific research focuses on solving problems in a step _by _step logical, organized and rigorous manner in each step of research viz., identifying problem, gathering data, analyzing it and in arriving at a valid conclusion. Organizations may not always be involved in the scientific research due to various reasons like – simple problems which can solved with previous experience, time contingency, lack of knowledge, resource constraints etc., However the scientific research performed in a rigorous and systematic way leads to repeatable and comparable research findings. It also enables the researchers to arrive at accurate, dependable and subjective findings. The hallmarks or distinguishing characteristic features of scientific research are as follows: Purposiveness The research is conducted with a purpose. It has a focus. The purpose of the research should be clearly mentioned in an understandable and unambiguous manner. The statement of the decision problem should include its scope, its limitations and the precise meaning of all words and terms significant to the research. Failure to mention the purpose clearly will raise doubts in the minds of stakeholders of the research as to whether the researcher has sufficient understanding of the problem. Rigor Rigor means carefulness, scrupulousness and the degree of exactness in research investigation. In order to make a meaningful and worthwhile contribution to the field of knowledge, research must be carried out rigorously. Conducting a rigorous research requires a good theoretical knowledge and a clearly laid out methodology. This will eliminate the bias; facilitate proper data collection and analysis, which in turn would lead to sound and reliable research findings. Testability Research should be based on testable assumptions/hypotheses developed after a careful study of the problems involved. The scientific research should enable the testing of logically developed hypotheses to see whether or not the data collected support the hypotheses developed. Replicability Research findings would command more faith and credence if the same results are evolved on different set of data. The results of the test hypothesis should be supported again and again when the same type of research is repeated in other similar circumstances. This will ensures the scientific nature of the research conducted and more confidence could be placed in the research findings. It also eliminates the doubt that the hypotheses are supported by chance and ensures that the findings reflect the true state of affairs. Precision and Confidence In management research the findings are seldom definitive due to the fact that the universe of items, events or population are not taken as such but based on sample drawn from universe. There is a probability that the sample may not reflect the universe. Measurement errors and other problems are bound to introduce an element of error in the findings. However the research design should ensure that the findings are as close to the reality as possible so that one can have confidence in the findings. Precision refers to the closeness of the finding to ‘reality’ based on sample. It reflects the degree of accuracy or exactitude of the results on the basis of the sample to what exactly is in the universe. The confidence interval in statistics is referred here as precision. Confidence refers to the probability that the estimation made in the research findings are correct. It is not enough if the results are precise but it is also important to claim that 95% of the time the results would be true and there is only a 5% chance of the results being wrong. This is known as confidence level. If the precision and confidence levels of the research findings are higher then the findings of the research study would be more scientific and useful. Precision and confidence can be attained through appropriate scientific sampling design. Objectivity Research finding should be factual, databased and free from bias. The conclusion drawn should be based on the facts of the findings derived form the actual data and not on the basis of subjective or emotional values. Business organizations will suffer a greater extent of damage if a non-data-based or misleading conclusion drawn from the research is implemented. Scientific approach ensures objectivity of research. Generalizability It refers to the scope of applying the research findings of one organizational setting to other settings of almost similar nature. The research will be more useful if the solutions are applicable to a wider range. The more generlizable the research, the greater will be its usefulness and value. However it is not always possible to generalize the research findings to all other settings, situations or organizations. For achieving genaralizability the sampling design has to be logically developed and data collection method needs to be very sound. This may increase the cost of conducting the research. In most of the cases though the research findings would be based on scientific methods it is applicable only to a particular organization, settings or situations. Parsimony Research needs to be conducted in a parsimonious i.e. simple and economical manner. Simplicity in explaining the problems and generalizing solutions for the problems is preferred to a complex research framework. Economy in research models can be achieved by way of considering less number of variables leading to greater variance rather than considering more number of variables leading to less variance. Clear understanding regarding the problem and the factors influencing the same will lead to parsimony in research activities. The sound understanding can be achieved through structured and unstructured interview with the concerned people and by undertaking a study of related literature in the problem area. The scientific research in management area cannot fulfill all the above-discussed hallmarks to the fullest extent. In management research it is not always possible to conduct investigations that are 100% scientific like in physical science as it is difficult to collect and measure the data regarding the feelings, emotions, attitudes and perception. It is also difficult to obtain representative sample; these aspects restrict the generlizability of the findings. Though it is not possible to meet all the above said characteristics of the scientific research, to the extent possible the research activities should be pursued in the scientific manner. Reason is the tool by which the human mind comes to understand the world. There are two processes by which reason tries to understand events: deductive reasoning, based on generally accepted principles, and inductive reasoning, in which general principles are formed from observed events. The field of economics has deductive and inductive sides, which are complementary to each other. Read more: Induction Vs. Deduction Economics | Deduction in Economics †¢ Deductive economics starts with a set of axioms about economies and how they work, and relies on these principles to explain individual cases or events. Supply and demand analysis, a staple in any introductory economics course, is an example of deductive reasoning because it involves a set of generally accepted principles about demand and supply. To summarize, deduction in economics starts with a generally accepted principle and proceeds to the specific. Induction in Economics †¢ Inductive reasoning in economics does the reverse of deductive reasoning; namely, it begins with an individual problem or question and proceeds to form a general principle based on the evidence observed in the real world of economic activity. For example, an economist who asks if a government program of public works spending will stimulate a region’s economy will proceed to research the issue, collect and analyze data, and based on conclusions, form a general theory about the economic impact of fiscal policies. Read more: Induction Vs. Deduction Economics | Induction-Deduction Link †¢ Although deduction and induction represent two differing approaches to understanding economic phenomena, the 19th century American economist Henry George observed that they are related. George noted that induction involves the use of human reason to investigate facts, while deduction is the derivative of the former. Effects †¢ Applying George’s insight on deduction and induction in economics, deduction involves the use of economic principles and theories that have been empirically verified through observation, research, and critical analysis. Generally accepted principles of supply and demand, for example, can inform our understanding of economic transactions only if they are based on empirical evidence, collected and analyzed through the inductive process. Features †¢ Induction in economics requires rigorous use of the methodology of economic research. This includes use of the mathematical modeling and statistical processes used in econometrics, or economic measurement. Findings from inductive reasoning then form economic theories used in deductive analysis. Read more: Induction Vs. Deduction Economics | Logical arguments are usually classified as either ‘deductive’ or ‘inductive’. Deduction: In the process of deduction, you begin with some statements, called ‘premises’, that are assumed to be true, you then determine what else would have to be true if the premises are true. For example, you can begin by assuming that God exists, and is good, and then determine what would logically follow from such an assumption. You can begin by assuming that if you think, then you must exist, and work from there. In mathematics you can begin with some axioms and then determine what you can prove to be true given those axioms. With deduction you can provide absolute proof of your conclusions, given that your premises are correct. The premises themselves, however, remain unproven and unprovable, they must be accepted on face value, or by faith, or for the purpose of exploration. Induction: In the process of induction, you begin with some data, and then determine what general conclusion(s) can logically be derived from those data. In other words, you determine what theory or theories could explain the data. For example, you note that the probability of becoming schizophrenic is greatly increased if at least one parent is schizophrenic, and from that you conclude that schizophrenia may be inherited. That is certainly a reasonable hypothesis given the data. Note, however, that induction does not prove that the theory is correct. There are often alternative theories that are also supported by the data. For example, the behavior of the schizophrenic parent may cause the child to be schizophrenic, not the genes. What is important in induction is that the theory does indeed offer a logical explanation of the data. To conclude that the parents have no effect on the schizophrenia of the children is not supportable given the data, and would not be a logical conclusion. Deduction and induction by themselves are inadequate for a scientific approach. While deduction gives absolute proof, it never makes contact with the real world, there is no place for observation or experimentation, no way to test the validity of the premises. And, while induction is driven by observation, it never approaches actual proof of a theory. The development of the scientific method involved a gradual synthesis of these two logical approaches.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Mens Dominance Over Women - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 716 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/03/25 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Feminism Essay The Great Gatsby Essay Did you like this example? The 1920’s was the year that everything changed for women. They gained more freedom when the 19th amendment was passed and women had the right to vote. The 1920s was the year that the word feminism became more used and brought up. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Mens Dominance Over Women" essay for you Create order Feminism is a political/social movement striving to gain equality of sexes. In the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, women are seen as objects in the eyes of male characters. Fitzgerald creates a misogynist perspective through Daisy and Myrtle, by making them dependent on men. The Great Gatsby is a book that explores the want/need males have for happiness and wealth through the American dream. While the women are portrayed in a anti feminist way. In The Great Gatsby men have physical dominance over women. Women are seen as silly dreamers, incapable of intelligent thoughts and realistic goals. In the book Tom uses his physical, financial, and social dominance to abuse Myrtle and Daisy. The way he treats Daisy brings her to think, â€Å"that the best thing a girl can be in this world, [is] a beautiful little fool† (Fitzgerald, 17). During the novel it was said that, â€Å"If [Tom] left the room for a minute, shed look around uneasily, and say: ‘Wheres Tom gone?’†. This quote said by Nick about Daisy displays a misogynist example of how women need men.Daisy is weak, she knows women are known in society for being foolish. The only role for women is to be a mother, a wife, or an image for men to want in the 1920s. In The Great Gatsby Jordan Baker is a woman portrayed as being incapable of being successful. Her career as a professional golfer is built off cheating at tournaments. â€Å" At her first big golf tournament there was a row that nearly reached the newspaper a suggestion that she had moved her ball from a bad lie in the semi-final round. The thing approached the proportions of a scandal then died away. A caddy retracted his statement, and the only other witness admitted that he might have been mistaken†(Fitzgerald 57). This quote shows how Jordan cheats during a golf tournament and gets caught and pays off the caddy. With Fitzgerald writing that hes implying that she would be incapable of being successful without cheating. In the book Nick mentions that he, â€Å"†¦was flattered to go places with her, because she was a golf champion, and everyone knew her name.†(Fitzgerald 57). That shows that not only did Jordan make a name for herself but men, like Nick, were inte rested and flattered to be around her. Jordan is only accepted for her success as a golfer because of her masculine like qualities, but since she’s a woman, Fitzgerald implies she must have cheated her way to the top because there is no way she could share equal success. Fitzgerald writes Myrtle Wilson as a character who lives part of her life in an abusive marriage, and the other part as Tom’s mistress. Myrtle is talked down to throughout the book and is only seen as an object to Tom. Shes described as being older and unattractive and, according to Nick, obnoxious and loud. Myrtle is used by men through physical, mental, and emotional abuse. On page 37 Myrtle and Tom are having an argument and Nick says, â€Å"Some time toward midnight Tom Buchanan and [Myrtle] stood face to face discussing, in impassioned voices, whether [Myrtle] had any right to mention Daisys name. ‘Daisy! Daisy! Daisy! shouted Mrs. Wilson. Ill say it whenever I want to! Daisy! Dai ––’ Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand.† Myrtle is physically harmed for her boldness and for challenging Tom. It shows anti feminism because the second Myrtle tried to break out and speak for herself against Tom he phys ically hurt her. The Great Gatsby follows a misguided social norm that men are to have dominance over women, not equality. Women are talked down to as objects. In The Great Gatsby, we see Daisy, Myrtle and Jordan as dependent upon male figures. Men are showed as hard workers, while women arent successful. The women in The Great Gatsby are described as helpless and dependent on men because they are not allowed to pursue their own dreams.